Class BasisFunc#

Inheritance Relationships#

Base Type#

  • public ABC

Derived Types#

Class Documentation#

tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.BasisFunc : public ABC
Python implementation of the basis function classes. These are an alternative
to the C++ versions. They can not be JIT-ed, but they do support alternative
types, e.g., single float, complex, etc. Even though they cannnot be JIT-ed,
they can often be used in JIT functions, if their arguments can be removed
from said functions. For example, when solving an ODE, oftentimes the basis
functions can be treated as compile time constants. This can be done using
`pejit`: see `pejit` for more details.

Subclassed by tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.CP, tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.ELM, tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.FS, tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.HoPphy, tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.HoPpro, tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.LaP, tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.LeP, tfc.utils.BF.BF_Py.nBasisFunc

Public Functions

__init__(self, Number x0, Number xf, npt.NDArray nC, uint m, Number z0=0, Number zf=float("inf"))#
Initialize the basis class.

x0 : Number
    Start of the problem domain.
xf : Number
    End of the problem domain.
nC : npt.NDArray
    Basis functions to be removed
m : uint
    Number of basis functions.
z0 : Number
    Start of the basis function domain.
zf : Number
    End of the basis function domain.
H(self, npt.NDArray x, uint d=0, bool full=False)#
Returns the basis function matrix for the x with a derivative of order d.

x : NDArray
    Input array. Values to calculate the basis function for.
d : uint
    Order of the derivative
full : bool
    Whether to return the full basis function set, or remove
    the columns associated with self._nC.

H : NDArray
    The basis function values.
Return the constants that map the problem domain to the basis
function domain.

    The constant that maps the problem domain to the basis function