Class nELM#

Inheritance Relationships#

Base Type#

Derived Types#

Class Documentation#

class nELM : public nBasisFunc#

n-D ELM base class.

Subclassed by nELMReLU, nELMSigmoid, nELMSin, nELMSwish, nELMTanh

Public Functions

nELM(double *x0in, int x0Dim0, double *xf, int xfDim0, int *nCin, int ncDim0, int min, double z0in = 0., double zfin = 1.)#

n-D ELM class constructor.

virtual ~nELM()#

n-D ELM class destructor.

void setW(double *arrIn, int dimIn, int nIn)#

Python hook to return nELM weights.

void getW(int *dimOut, int *nOut, double **arrOut)#

Python hook to set nELM weights.

void getB(double **arrOut, int *nOut)#

Python hook to return nELM biases.

void setB(double *arrIn, int nIn)#

Python hook to set nELM biases.

Public Members

double z0#

Beginning of the basis function domain.

double zf#

Beginning of the basis function domain.

double *w#

nELM weights.

double *b#

nELM biases.